This list of Group Medical Practices and Freestanding Surgicenters is the country’s largest. The database contains 524,900 Decision Makers by name. The list is 100% phone verified and is 99% deliverable. In addition to names and titles, this list identifies the practices based on the number of participating doctors.
List Source
Research/Phone Verified
Group Medical Practice/Surgicenters‐ 78,614
Updated every 60 days
CASS Certified‐ Available
Gender Phone Numbers (100%)
Fax Numbers (98%)
Number of Physicians in the Group
Groups Specialty‐ Call for specialty counts
Site Type
List Selection
Administrators | 11951 | Data Processing Mgrs | 337 | |
Business Mgrs | 1142 | Physicians | 458301 | |
Dir of Operations | 1761 | Laboratory Supervisors | 903 | |
Controllers | 1235 | Medical Assistants | 14224 | |
Chief Executive Officers | 2690 | Nurse Practitioners | 41249 | |
Financial Supervisors | 1235 | Office Managers | 40260 | |
Insurance/Billing Suprs | 5094 | Dirs of Personnel | 2142 | |
Dirs of Marketing | 377 | Purchasing Mgrs | 292 | |
Medical Directors | 10726 | Recepts./Secretaries | 24427 | |
Suprs. Of Medical Records | 1528 | Hospitalists | 9420 | |
Nursing Supervisors | 7565 | Nurses | 26343 | |
Physician Assts | 32632 | Social Workers | 5932 | |
Presidents | 1029 | Technicians | 3932 | |
Radiology/X‐Ray Suprs | 421 | Dieticians | 822 | |
X‐Ray/Radiology Tech. | 1285 |
For a current list count please contact us for more information as these counts are updated on a regular basis.
Rental Charges
Names and Titles Minimum Order Phone Numbers Fax Numbers Group Specialty Number of Physicians Geography | $100.00/M $500.00/Min $50.00/M‐($250.00/Min) $200.00/M‐($1000.00/Min) $5.00/M $5.00/M $5.00/M |