Medical Lists
Our Medical, Dental, & Health Care Lists
LIST offers fully updated, highly reliable medical, dental, and health care lists at competitive prices. Whether you're introducing a new product, forming focus groups, or providing updated information about existing products and services, LIST can connect
you with your target audience efficiently and cost-effectively… due to our decades of experience, our continuing research, and our longstanding relationships with the medical, dental, and health care industries' most respected professional organizations. Read more
LIST Advantages
LIST Total Project Assistance
When you choose LIST, you get a complete support team—people who understand your business goals and know how to get the job done in a timely, budget-conscious manner. And unlike many of our competitors, who simply supply preexisting medical lists, we're able to consult and provide healthcare industry lists that fit your exact marketing needs. We strive to develop partnerships with our clients, to be a reliable, trustworthy resource for all elements of your marketing campaign… from planning to design to fulfillment. LIST has a vested interest in you and in your success, whether it is a single event or a long-term marketing campaign. Read more
Marketing Assistance
LIST Full Service Marketing Partnerships
LIST assists you throughout your marketing project, from start to finish. We'll help plan your direct marketing campaign, supply you with the targeted list data to make it happen, consult with you about the best ways to implement it, and provide the continuing design and technical support to make your campaign successful. Our goal is to provide creative, highly productive resources for our clients. To do so, we use the latest technologies shaping today's rapidly changing business environment to their full potential — while meeting or exceeding the industry's highest standards of excellence. Read more
LIST:Your One-Stop Partner for Medical Industry Direct Marketing
LIST (List Information Service Technology) supplies superior quality mailing lists and direct marketing services to medical, dental, and health care product and service providers. We select lists by target group and by delivery system. Our lists can be customized by specialty, location, type of practice, prescribing and treatment data: delivered by mail, fax, and email; depending on your marketing campaign. LIST also provides hosting, graphic, and message content technical services and support that maximize marketing effectiveness and cost-efficiency.
Get a Quote, email us, or call us at (201) 995-1995. Let our professional experience and unparalleled customer support start working for you today! |