This database contains 4,487 Managed Care Decision Makers. The list is 100% phone verified and is 99% deliverable. In addition to names and titles, this list identifies the organization’s size, based on the number of members.
List Source
Research/Phone Verified
Managed Care ‐1,007
Updated every 60 days
CASS Certified
Demographic / Geographic
Gender Phone Numbers (100%)
Fax Numbers (99%)
Number of Members
Managed Care TypeHMO: 123 |
Managed Care PersonnelChief Financial Officers: 368 |
Total HMO Personnel: 4,487
For a current list count please contact us for more information as these counts are updated on a regular basis.
Rental Charges
Names and Titles: $100.00/M
Minimum Order: $500.00/Min
Phone Numbers: $50.00/M‐ ($250.00/Min)
Fax Numbers: $200.00/M‐ ($1000.00/Min)
Site Type: $5.00/M
Number of Members: $10.00/M
Geography: $5.00/M