Home Healthcare Agencies

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This list of Home Health Care Agencies contains 24,213 Decision Makers by name. The list is 100% phone verified and is 99% deliverable. In addition to names and titles, this list also identifies medicare certified agencies.

List Source

Research/Phone Verified
Home Health Care Agencies‐ 8,187
Updated every 60 days
CASS Certified

Demographic / Geographic

Phone Numbers (100%)
Fax Numbers (99%)
Medicare Certified (6,890)

Managed Care Type

Govt./Regulatory: 176
Respiratory Therapy: 996
Home Care Services: 6,713
Mental Health: 20
Personal Care: 4,408
Infusion Therapy: 2,163
Medical Equipment: 600
Hospice: 1,900
Homemaker Svs: 1,358
Other: 702

Home Health Care Personnel

Admin. Assts/Secretaries: 1,261
Chief Pharmacists: 36
Dirs of Billing/Cust Svs: 821
Dirs of Quality Assurance: 247
Dirs of Development: 97
Dirs of Marketing: 887
Dirs of Purch/Material Mgmt: 134
Misc. Directors: 113
Business Office Mgrs: 2,160
Staff Pharmacists: 28
Social Workers: 1,878
Administrators: 1,924
Chief Financial Officers: 643
Dirs of Bio‐Med Engin.: 4
Dirs of Medical Recs: 313
Dirs of Human Resources: 1,474
Dirs of Sales: 61
Medical Directors: 1,234
Nursing Services Dirs.: 4,016
Pharmacy Svs Dirs.: 191
Site Administrators: 6,098
VPs/Chief Oper. Officers: 534

Total Home Health Care Personnel: 24,213

For a current list count please contact us for more information as these counts are updated on a regular basis.

Rental Charges

Names and Titles: $100.00/M
Minimum Order: $500.00/Min
Phone Numbers: $50.00/M‐ ($250.00/Min)
Fax Numbers: $200.00/M‐ ($1000.00/Min)
Agency Type: $5.00/M
Medicare Certified: $10.00/M
Geography: $5.00/M